This topic covers the ADD, SUB, INC, and DEC instructions, applied to register and immediate operands. Click here to view the answers.
1. Indicate whether or not each of the following instructions is valid.
(notate: V = valid, I = invalid) Assume that all operations are unsigned.
a. |
add ax,bx |
b. |
add dx,bl |
c. |
add ecx,dx |
d. |
sub si,di |
e. |
add bx,90000 |
f. |
sub ds,1 |
g. |
dec ip |
h. |
dec edx |
i. |
add edx,1000h |
j. |
sub ah,126h |
k. |
sub al,256 |
l. |
inc ax,1 |
2. What will be the value of the Carry flag after each of the following instruction sequences has executed?
(notate: CY = carry, NC = no carry)
a. |
mov ax,0FFFFh add ax,1 |
b. |
mov bh,2 sub bh,2 |
c. |
mov dx,0 dec dx |
d. |
mov al,0DFh add al,32h |
e. |
mov si,0B9F6h sub si,9874h |
f. |
mov cx,695Fh sub cx,A218h |
3. What will be the value of the Zero flag after each of the following instruction sequences has executed?
(notate: ZR = zero, NZ = not zero)
a. |
mov ax,0FFFFh add ax,1 |
b. |
mov bh,2 sub bh,2 |
c. |
mov dx,0 dec dx |
d. |
mov al,0DFh add al,32h |
e. |
mov si,0B9F6h sub si,9874h |
f. |
mov cx,695Fh add cx,96A1h |
4. What will be the value of the Sign flag after each of the following instruction sequences has executed?
(notate: PL = positive, NG = negative)
a. |
mov ax,0FFFFh sub ax,1 |
b. |
mov bh,2 sub bh,3 |
c. |
mov dx,0 dec dx |
d. |
mov ax,7FFEh add ax,22h |
e. |
mov si,0B9F6h sub si,9874h |
f. |
mov cx,8000h add cx,A69Fh |
5. What will be the values of the Carry, Sign, and Zero flags after the following instructions have executed?
(notate: CY/NC, PL/NG, ZR/NZ)
mov ax,620h sub ah,0F6h |
6. What will be the values of the Carry, Sign, and Zero flags after the following instructions have executed?
(notate: CY/NC, PL/NG, ZR/NZ)
mov ax,720h sub ax,0E6h |
7. What will be the values of the Carry, Sign, and Zero flags after the following instructions have executed?
(notate: CY/NC, PL/NG, ZR/NZ)
mov ax,0B6D4h add al,0B3h |
8. What will be the values of the Overflow, Sign, and Zero flags after the following instructions have executed?
(notate: OV/NV, PL/NG, ZR/NZ)
mov bl,-127 dec bl |
9. What will be the values of the Carry, Overflow, Sign, and Zero flags after the following instructions have executed?
(notate: CY/NC, OV/NV, PL/NG, ZR/NZ)
mov cx,-4097 add cx,1001h |
10. What will be the values of the Carry, Overflow, Sign, and Zero flags after the following instructions have executed?
(notate: CY/NC, OV/NV, PL/NG, ZR/NZ)
mov ah,-56 add ah,-60 |